It's essential to work smartly, swiftly, and professionally. I prefer not to dwell on minor details and instead harness technology to my advantage. In this article, I will introduce some of the tools I use to enhance my work efficiency, helping me stay more relaxed and happier.

I am a massive fan of the cloud, especially the one provided by Microsoft. Our company was among the pioneers in supporting Microsoft Office 365's "P" plans, even when our significant competitors were undecided on incorporating Office 365 into their offerings. This gave us a competitive edge.

We would not have adopted Office 365 if it didn't appeal to us, and since I'm pretty fond of it, I wish to share a few tips and tricks for innovative business using intelligent tools.

Livescribe – The Smart Pen

Given that we're discussing intelligence throughout this article, please introduce a tool (a pen) that has become indispensable for my client meetings, conferences, or simply for jotting down ideas.

A Livescribe pen is a computer within a cell. It boasts robust processing power and substantial memory for capturing handwritten notes and audio recordings (thanks to its infrared camera), both recorded simultaneously while you write and speak or listen. Moreover, it supports various applications beneficial for your work.

Yes, Livescribe syncs and then converts the handwritten notes, taken on special DotPaper, into a digital format. These resulting files, called pencasts, can be exported in multiple formats or shared with friends via Facebook, email, or my favorite, OneNote (available in every Microsoft Office package).

OneNote and Office 365

Those familiar with OneNote, even its earlier versions, know its efficiency as a note-taking tool. But what if we combine these typed notes with handwritten ones? Could we integrate text with verbal feedback from our clients or collaborators? Doesn't this add a new dimension to note-taking and recall?

In OneNote, I enjoy adding pencasts exported in .PDF format from Livescribe Desktop (an application that enhances the Livescribe experience on desktop and the web). These .PDF files are interactive (only in Adobe Reader – note they won't work in other PDF readers). One can click on the text, play back the audio recordings made at that moment, jump between sections, bookmark, etc.

When pencasts exported as.PDFs are integrated into the OneNote notebook and then synchronized with Office 365; they are instantly uploaded to the cloud. Why not via Evernote or Livescribe's cloud service? Because with OneNote, access is available from any device. And here's the best part!

I can now access all my folders from SharePoint Online, provided by Microsoft Office 365, on all my devices. This way, I can synchronize any OneNote notebook with SharePoint Online, ensuring all my notes are in the cloud, accessible anytime, anywhere.

No more worries about forgetting what a client, partner, or supplier has told me. Also, I'm safeguarded against issues like scope creep from clients, which I've encountered multiple times.

The best part is, wherever I am, I can always check what needs to be done, what has been done, what I was instructed to do, and what wasn't.

Intelligent Tools

So, here are the tools we rely on to stay continuously connected and to work as efficiently as possible:

  1. Microsoft Office 365 – We sell this in collaboration with Microsoft. We also implement it and provide technical support throughout the subscription.
  2. Livescribe – The intelligent pen that will simplify your life, adding speed and reliability to your business.

If you need assistance, have questions regarding these technologies, or aim to work faster, more professionally, and elegantly, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

I wish you success.